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Saturday, April 30, 2011

THE GREAT TOE by anyother name would still be as great

A reflexology analysis of the Great toe( also know as the HALLUX) will connect you to the inner most workings of your BRAIN. There are over 40 reflex points on the great toe - from the frontal lobe to the medulla. Alternating pressures to the Great Toe will assist your brain to it's optimum function. Here's a couple of techniques to try:
  • Unable to fall asleep or sleep through the night? Press the medial(innermost) part of the toe right next to where the toe nail ends (most distal)do this 5-10 times before retiring. To enhance the effect try adding a drop of  lavender, or the YLEO's blend "Peace & Calming" or "Valor"
  • Mentally stressed...chronic pains in your body "over worked & underpaid"? Rotate you finger on the pituitary reflex point found in the center of the toe on the plantar side. To enhance this technique, try adding a drop of YLEO "Stress Away Roll-on"(you can actually use the roll-on" to rotate on this point) or "Believe" oil blend.
Reflexing the entire GREAT toe every morning will give your brain an aerobic exercise at the very core of your cellular nervous system. They will be CELLebrating together in symphony of their new found health!